Arrival & Departure


The preschool door will be opened five minutes prior to the beginning of class. A late pick-up of your child will result in the following fine: Five minute grace period, then $10.00 for the next 15 minutes (or part thereof) and $1.00 per minute after that.


Signing In & Out


Parents or caregivers are required to sign in upon arrival and sign out when picking up a child. This sheet can be found on top of the cubbies near the main entrance. Please ensure all persons arriving to pick-up your child are listed on the registration form. Your child will not be released to persons not listed. Under emergency circumstances a parent/guardian may phone to say she/he is sending an alternate person. In that case, the staff may call back to confirm and may require photo identification from the alternate person.


Parent Teacher Communication


If you wish to discuss your child’s progress or have any questions or concerns, please check with the teacher for a mutually convenient time. We cannot discuss a child’s progress while the child is present.




In case of snow, please call 604-521-6601. We will leave a confirmation message on our answering service if we are closed.




A two week notification period is required if you decide to withdraw your child from the preschool. If, during the course of the current school year, we do not receive fees and/or are unable to contact you for a period of two weeks, we may assume this to be your notification of termination with us and may reassign your spot to another family.




The staff may take whatever steps necessary to obtain emergency medical aid if warranted. These steps may include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Attempt to contact a parent/guardian, or any of the persons designated as an emergency contact on the registration form
  2. Attempt to contact the family physician
  3. Call an ambulance
  4. Have the child taken to the nearest emergency hospital

Any expenses incurred by the above will be the responsibility of the child’s family or guardian.

In accordance with the Child Care Licensing Regulation and Child, Family and Community Service Act, all persons (child care providers, family members, and the general public) are required to report child abuse and neglect to the proper authorities.


Guidance Statement


We believe that each child is created in God’s likeness and is a unique individual, deserving to be treated with love and respect.

We believe that in order to develop to his/her fullest potential, a child needs a warm, caring and orderly environment with regular routines and definite limits.

Our goal in guiding children’s behavior is to ensure their safety and assist in developing a positive self-image, as well as an awareness of others and the world around them.

We are very open and responsive to parent’s questions and comments about guidance. As in many other areas, consistency in guidance can be of great assistance to your child, and we will strive to work with you to address any concerns you may have.


Discipline & Guidance Strategies

  • Modeling
  • Stating clear limits and involving the children in setting those limits
  • Appropriate expectations, according to development level
  • Helping children to express feelings in appropriate ways
  • Teaching children problem solving skills and strategies
  • Allowing children to experience natural and/or logical consequences

Through interactions with the children, in all parts of the day, staff model problem solving techniques and non-hurtful communication, and assist the children with the same. We encourage children to use their words to solve their problems with other children. If a child’s problem is not resolved by talking with the other child(ren), we encourage them to come and ask a teacher for assistance. The teacher then guides the children involved through discussion, inviting the children to tell each other how they are feeling, and generate fair solutions.

When a child has had several reminders that their actions are either unsafe, or are hurting another, staff will redirect the child to another area of the centre, reminding the child why, and stating that they are welcome to try again in that area at a better time (e.g. in five minutes, tomorrow, etc.).

Only in an extreme case where a child is obviously going to hurt either themselves, another child, or a teacher, will the child be gently held and temporarily removed further from the main group. When in a safe place and with calming words, the child will be released and assisted to calm themselves so that the situation can be discussed.